Monday, February 18, 2008

The Fabulous Four!

Wow! We have some pretty cute kids. This is a picture that I took right before it snowed this year. I enlarged it for our wall because it was so cute.

Caleb the sweetheart

Caleb has got to be my most mellow and accepting baby. He is almost always happy and smiling. The Lord knew that my life needed a little calm after the storm :)

little indians

For part of American History this year, we learned about the indians! It was SO much fun! We made indian outfits, a tee pee, clay pots and beads, bows and arrows, corn husk dolls, papoose boards, pouches, and even some great food and games. Here is a cute picture of my TOUGH indians.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

my cute kids in "glasses"

The kids took some pictures of themselves in these glasses and they were so funny I had to share them.

looking at life

Well, after looking at some of the events in the last month, and talking to family and friends I realy feel like my life is in fast forward. I can't believe that I am the mother of 4 at only 28 yrs old and that I own a home, a suburban, a dog, chinchilla, rabbit, and I work as a crossing guard, teach home school, and partner in a leadership buisness with my best friend. I also think that I am not taking the time to enjoy the little things in my day and remember that house work and all that jazz is not REALLY important. I looked at my kids this morning in their church clothes and saw them all cute and ready to go and thought - I AM A LUCKY WOMAN! I am so thankful to live in a country where there is freedom of religion and that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so thankful for my health, my home, car, job, neighbors, friends, and family!
