Sunday, October 26, 2008

Calebs first Halloween party!!! This is the nursery halloween party for this year. Caleb does not like nursery, and didn't really love the party either, but we got some cute pictures and he interacted with the kids that some day hopefully he will like to play with.

Well, we lived!!! We spent 8 days in a 16X8 ft. trailer with all 6 of us. Shawn went elk hunting during the day and the kids and I did school, games, hikes, cooking, cleaning, (and some yelling). I didn't know if we could do it, but it was actually overall a great time. I have never camped so "rough", and we had a lot of adapting to do, but we had fun, learned some new skills (dutch oven pizza) and shawn got a HUGE elk. It was a 6 point with a 48 inch spread. We are SO proud of him and excited to have elk meat again. Caleb was the only one that got an injury, which was amazing. Anyway, these are some of the pictures as highlights.
