Saturday, January 22, 2011


My exploding Bottle of Apple Cider.... that wouldn't stop for 30 min!!! The kids thought it was great, but I was sad because it was my favorite flavor. :(
Sarah and Joseph at 11:45pm

Hannah at 11:45pm

Caleb at 11:45pm

Jacobs first New Years!

Caleb didn't like either of the games... So he played the Wii for while. :)


This year Dad had to work so it was just Mom and the Kids... I bought Twister and Battleship, and some apple cider bubbly. The kids thought it was great fun to get me all tangled up, and It was funny to watch them pile on each other. Caleb and Hannah fell asleep right before midnight, but we blew our noise makers, drank our cider, and yelled HAPPY NEW YEARS anyway....and they didn't even move. :) It was lots of fun, and I only wish Dad could have enjoyed it too...

Christmas outfits...

The Pictures were all fuzzy... But these are my cute kids in their Christmas skirts and ties.

Hannah is 6!!!

ALL the kids eating cupcakes and icecream!
Hannah wanted (and got) GO GO MY WALKING PUP for her birthday

She had a "baby shower" party this year. We played throw the beanbags into the diaperbag, Pin the binky on the baby, and stroller races. Each girl got to go home with a tiny little baby (made by me....), 3 little bottles, a little pink stoller (that was on the cupcake) and a Cute little purse to put them all in. They all had fun and Hannah LOVED it.

I can't believe that our "little" Hannah is 6. She is growing up so fast! She is so smart, helpful, energetic, and talented. We love you Hannah!

Christmas School week 4

We learned about Candy Canes and the symbol in Christmas, how they are made, and how they started. We also made a cute craft which I forgot to take a picture of....
This month has been so much fun with our "Studies" and our service each day for our Savior. The kids and I have really made some fun memories and can't wait till next year. We also did a devotional every morning from an advent book from Grandma Fausett. It really helped us remember the true meaning of Christmas and to bring the spirit to our home. MERRY CHRISTMAS!


This week we made chocolate covered prezels, watched a cool movie about chocolate from Hershey, drank LOTS of hot cocoa, and went to mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolate factory! It was Great!
